Process Improvement and Variation Reduction with SPC

Statistical Process Control (SPC) is applied in order to monitor and control a process. SPC is the art of making decisions about a process based on an analysis of the information contained in a sample from that process. SPC Techniques play a vital role in quality improvement.

They provide the principle means by which a product is sampled tested and evaluated, and the information in data is used to control and improve the process. SPC allows the strength of each source of variation to be determined numerically. If sources of variation are detected and measured, they may be amenable to correction. In turn, correction of variations may reduce waste in production and may improve the quality of the product that reaches the customer.

SPC must be practiced in two-phases, where in first phase of SPC to establish the process initially and after that in second phase during the production run. In second phase, decide the period to be examined, depending upon the change in conditions and wear rate of parts used in the manufacturing process. SPC is a method of monitoring a process during its operation in order to control the quality of the products while they are being produced, rather than relying on inspection to find problems after the fact. It involves gathering information about the product, or the process itself, on a near real-time basis so that the operator can take action on the process. This is done in order to identify special causes of variation and other non-normal processing conditions, thus bringing the process under statistical control and reducing variation.

Also SPC is extremely important for a successful quality systems management. A quality management system is often focused on a few key areas: CAPA to identify, correct and prevent the reoccurrence of non-conformances; auditing to ensure processes are using the quality systems effectively; and continuous improvement of the quality system itself. The system encompasses the full supply chain from your suppliers through to customers, as well as training of staff on the systems and processes.

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